You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.  (1 John 4:4)

When the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me, He told me that if I would paint a picture of Him bigger in your hearts, bigger than the circumstance, bigger then the disease, bigger than whatever you are facing, then you will always receive your miracle.

Everything we receive from God Almighty and the Lord Jesus Christ is based on you stepping out to trust Him to receive your miracle. You can not be born again unless you receive Jesus Christ in your heart, You could sit there and say, “If it’s God’s will I’d be saved,” but you know that wouldn’t be true, because His will is for you to be saved. Two thousand years ago He went and paid the price on the cross for you, and He then said, “It is Finished! The Old Testament was finished and the New Testament began. It never ends and it is based on better promises and it gets greater everyday (see Hebrews 8:6). We go from glory, to glory, He’s come to give you life more give it abundantly (see John 10:10).

Years ago a entire town came against me because someone told a lie about me. I was in my prayer closet complaining to the Lord how bad it was. I could hear Jesus laugh, and laugh, and I was so angry. I admit it, I was angry at God. I said, “It’s easy for you to laugh, you’re up there and I’m down here right in the midst of this. And He laughed even louder. Well, Jesus knows what He’s doing, and He finally said, “My son, I see the beginning and the end, I know what the end is going to be, and that’s why I’m laughing.” He said, “Because there will be a great victory for you in the midst of this.” Then He gave me the scripture, “The Lord laughs at your enemies” (Psalm 37:12-13). You have to realize, He’s laughing at your enemies because He knows what the end is. He said, “You’re only in the midst of it, but if you could see what I see, you’d laugh too.”

Well a week later victory came and I was laughing, and then I was reminded of what He told me a week before. Keep the picture in your heart of the Greater One, the Lord Jesus Christ who lives mightily in you with all of His divine power and love. He wants you to trust and rely on Him always!

But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.
(Hebrews 8:6)

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